The universal human right to armed self-defense and self-determination shall be exercised.
No matter where we are born, with us is born the right and the duty of self-preservation. Our equal footing upon the earth entitles us to the use of tools – arms – to preserve not only our lives but also our freedom – the content of our lives. The only legitimate government is one which protects these rights and governs a consenting, armed citizenry. Only slaves and prisoners are debarred the use of arms. is dedicated to promoting these duties and rights acknowledged by the US Constitution’s 2nd Amendment. We strike at the root and lead as the tip of the spear for gun rights and preserving life and liberty in the US and abroad.
Join our rapidly-growing grassroots community of men and women for safety and peace through by embracing the revered responsibilities tied to the joy of freedom.
Gun Prepping 2024 – What to Buy and What to Sell
Bearable Arms – What’s Good for the Goose is Good for the Gander
Out of the frying pan into Hiroshima and Nagasaki – giving up guns because of mass shootings

The 2nd Amendment is more open carry than concealed carry and a duty as much as a right.

Dangerous AND Unusual

Colorado “Asssault Weapons” Ban Fails Miserably – Activists Use Open Rifle Carry

Judge Holds Man at Gunpoint for Protesting Him with a Sign
Waco and Ruby Ridge – Now Decentralized
Which is the most important for freedom? Calls on Tennessee for specific gun law reforms

Tennessee Gun Bills

Deadly NYC totalitarians issue martial law in response to their crime-promoting policies
Woman shot multiple times by police in her own home

Absurd Florida RINO Republicans Hate Open Carry